Why You Should Teach as a Software Developer

Why You Should Teach as a Software Developer

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Section 1: Introduction

Have you ever asked yourself, "Who and what are teachers? What do they actually do? Who are qualified to become teachers?" I would like to think that majority of the population knows what teachers generally do, but let's dive in deeper to what it means to teach.

Teaching is the process of attending to people's needs, experiences and feelings, and making specific interventions to help them learn particular things. Source: infed.org

What does the sentence above say? Well… A simple way to describe such a sentence is through "comparison". We were exposed to teachers at a very young age. Teachers who work at schools is the quintessential teacher. They "check" all the description from the quote above, but teachers aren't limited to a school or university setting. For example, most people have parents as their first teachers in a way. Our parents were always there to support us through nights of us crying, through our first words, and even when we first learned to walk.

Fun Fact:

Remember, babies cry to increase pressure in their tummies, which helps push out the stool. This is a self-limited problem, and all babies seem to get the hang of it after a while. - healthcare.utah.edu

Section 2: The Rise of Free Education

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an American non-profit educational organization created in 2008 by Salman Khan, with the goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students.

Section 3: Giving Back to the Community

Wow… That was a lot of filler! So… Why should I teach? Lemme quote Richard Feynman…

"If you want to master something, teach it. The more you teach, the better you learn. Teaching is a powerful tool to learning." - Richard Feynman.

Thank you for that quote, Richard Feynman. When you teach, you would need a foundational understanding on a subject. Teaching kind of gives you an idea to "where are my gaps in a subject". You would develop a further mastery on a subject, and you get to help people. Helping is a very powerful tool that we don't do as much as we should do. Teaching could be a great career booster if you're just starting in the software development industry. You can teach… anything, really. Cooking, Swimming, Math, Science, Ethics, Basic Programming, etc. You can teach anything! Teaching is wonderful!

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius

Stay curious and keep learning! Thanks for reading this story! Happy Teachers Day to all the teachers out there!

Sources and Others:

Khan Academy

Thumbnail Source(The Irish Times)